Empty space above editing area

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Empty space above editing area

Post by donnie »

I've noticed that here as of late, whenever I go to reply to a post or message, I have this empty area above the editing area, which I'd never noticed before. (See screenshot) I just now discovered this is happening only within Safari browser on my Mac, but nowhere else, so it must be some kind of glitch specific to the browser.

Not a problem, though it confused me a little at first—just curious as to what may be causing it.
Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 2.18.56 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 2.18.56 PM.png (367.51 KiB) Viewed 2176 times

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Re: Empty space above editing area

Post by Kitty »

I noticed in your screenshot that it starts and stops before and after the smilies on the side. Perhaps the smilies icon section is reading as a long block instead of a small block. Very strange, but it looks like it's a weird browser glitch, as you say.
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Re: Empty space above editing area

Post by BettyLouSpence »

Woah! Yeah, seems like a browser glitch with the smilies block. I don't have this with my Safari on iPad, though.
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a fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes
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