The Navajo’s Bride - 1910

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The Navajo’s Bride - 1910

Post by Kitty »

This is a Western short that was produced by Kalem. It has lots of action, but I had to watch this with Dutch inter-titles. Gene Gauntier has very little screen time as the girl whose horse is stolen by thief that happens to be an indian.
The indian chief’s daughter, Ivy, is a very eligible bachelorette. Three men want to marry her, and a competition commences to see who can win her hand. Ivy is not thrilled with the winner, who is not her favorite. Panther is her favorite, but he is not an eligible enough bachelor to get the stamp of approval from Daddy. A random indian decides to steal the Commander’s daughter’s favorite horse, in a slow crawl out in the open that the man in the moon could spot, but succeeds nonetheless. Panther is asked to help get it back. A $500 reward is at stake! There is a chase, much shadowing on the obviously fake backdrop. Panther is successful in getting the horse back, and he gets the reward with which he runs back to Ivy’s father to ask her hand in marriage (persistent!). With all that money, the father finally agrees to Ivy and Panther’s union, to the overjoy of his daughter.
The only thing I found interesting in this 14 minute short was the horse riding. It always surprises me to see how tall horses are, and how much higher the men who ride them are. The man who played Panther very much reminded me of the man who played the monster in Frankenstein (1910) with his mannerisms and strange facial expressions.
Rating 4/10
You trying to tell me you didn't hear that shriek? That was something trying to get out of its premature grave, and I don't want to be here when it does. - Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

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